Why and how I migrated from Wordpress to Jekyll

Since I started writing this blog I’ve always used Wordpress and it’s great, but the need to update Wordpress and its plug ins (a lot of them) always annoyed me.

Even I don’t have much more time to write here I always wanted to write again. After I decided to write back, I also decided to improve my blog, with a new theme and a better and fun way to write posts.

####My choice and why I chose to migrate this blog from Wordpress to Jekyll. But why Jekyll?

Unlike Wordpress, Jekyll isn’t a full CMS, it’s a lot simpler, I can have a static site that is a lot lighter than Wordpress and mainly I just wanted to learn a new tool.

More reasons why I choose Jekyll were:

####How moving into Jekyll First thing I did was install the Disqus plug in and migrate all comments into it, this allowed me to keep my comment history and use them easily into Jekyll.

Second I exported all my blog in a XML file and used Exitwp tool to convert my wordpress blog to jekyll. I had only to modify the image url in all posts and change syntax highlighting tag used in wordpress for liquid tag (pygments).

Ultimately I had to look for a new theme, I found the Left theme for Jekyll develop by Zach Holman so I decided to use it as a base for my own new theme.

####Hosting on Github Pages Well, hosting static content in Github Pages is a piece of cake and it’s completely free. I just had to create a new repository there and send (git push) my files to it. It’s super easy! :)

I’ve used the pages below to understand how to use Jekyll with Github Pages and how to set up my own domain.

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